Sunday, December 13, 2015

Hour of Code

On Friday, December 11th, students were introduced to Computer Science using the Hour of Code, the largest learning campaign in history. Each student coded during math and science class.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Crazy giant inflatable pumpkin on the loose!

Imagine that...

A GIANT inflatable PUMPKIN is blowing through Cedar Grove. The massive pumpkin has destroyed trees, houses, lights, snapped flagpoles in two and destroyed flags too. With their team, students designed a new flag and built a new flagpole to proudly display it. They were given a tub of limited supplies and had to work together to create and design a new flagpole and flag. Here are pictures of their hard work.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Chapter 2 Review Day!

Today we played a class favorite: Kahoot! Students are asked different questions and have 4 options to select from. They solved the problems on mini whiteboards and then chose their answer. Kahoot! features exciting music and the faster they select an answer, the more points they earn adding a layer of competition. It was a great time by all!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Rocket Pride!

5th graders have Rocket spirit!! 
They showed school spirit by wearing orange and black during homecoming week! 


Monday, September 14, 2015

Cup Stacking Challenge

This school year is off to a great start! We started the year by completing the cup stacking challenge. Teams were given one rubber band with six strings tied to it and ten red cups. They had to work together to stack the cups into a pyramid by only touching the strings. Here are a few pictures to show their progress and excitement! :)

First day cup stacking challenge!

We started the year by completing the cup stacking challenge. Teams were given one rubber band with strings tied to it and ten red cups. The...